
DSA For Non-Traditionals: 1 - BigO, Search, and a little Algebra

event presenter photo by Travis Media
Recorded on: Tuesday, February 13th, 2024 @ 11:00:00 AM

In the "DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms) for Non-Traditionals" series, I'll be going over algorithms that EVERY developer needs to be familiar with.

In this session, I'll go over BigO, why it's important, and then a few search algorithms you need know. I'll also explain practically WHY you need to know these (PS It's not just theory).

Video key points:

  • What is an Algorithm?
  • Why we NEED to know them
  • How a Binary Search works (vs a Linear search)
  • Real World Application / Logarithms
  • BigO Notation and what it helps us with
  • A look at nested for loops O(n2) in a real job interview
  • A discussion at the end on AI, the cloud, and breaking into the industry in this economy with so many things to learn.


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