
Build a Decentralized Bike Rental App on Binance Smart Chain

Create a Decentralized Bike Rental App on the Binance Smart Chain using Solidity for the Smart Contract and React/Ethers.js on the front end. A solid project for your Web3 portfolio.

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Are you looking for a unique Web3 project to add to your portfolio?

Perhaps you're looking for more practice with Solidity, Ethers.js, or just blockchain development in general?

Or maybe you are tired of using Ether in your projects and want to explore the Binance Smart Chain (and its low gas fees).

Well, this project checks all three off the list.

In this decentralized bike rental app you'll learn:

  1. How to use BNB in Remix IDE instead of Ether.
  2. How to create a secure Smart Contract in Solidity and deploy it to the Binance Smart Chain.
  3. How to interact with your Smart Contract and the Blockchain from a React front-end.
  4. How to display error messages from your smart contract on the front-end.
  5. How a decentralized project like this can provide sustainable income for the owner.

AND... as mentioned above, you'll have a solid Web3 project to add to your portfolio.

You can see the final app in action as well as hear more about the course in this video.


This course is not an intro to Web3 technologies. If you have NOT explored the Web3 ecosystem, then go and work through my hands-on Web3 technologies introductory video first.

If you have:

  1. Basic working knowledge of HTML/CSS
  2. Basic working knowledge of React and React Hooks
  3. Basic understanding of Blockchain technologies

Then you will do well in this course. Go and get started!


Downloadable content -
GitHub Repo (if you need help) - link
